If you want the rice pancake to be delicious, it must have a thin and crunchy shell,  high-heat fire and evenly so that when the dough is poured, it will ripen. Those who stand in the kitchen must also be extremely quick so that when the dough is put into the mold, it will be spread evenly, with a large size.

In the West, people do not call “making” rice pancake but “pouring” rice pancake. When pouring, people scooped a cup of flour into a hot pan, and then hear the sound “xeo” , the name of the  pancake probably also originated in that happy sound.

The powder for making pancakes is rice flour mixed with coconut milk,  bright yellow color turmeric and some thin green onions make green highlights on the cake after pouring.

After the crust is nearly ripe, people continue to add the topping, usually include: shrimps, meat, raw beansprouts, cassava tubers, but there are some shops want to create special flavors so they add coconut milk and small duck meat.

Pancakes are served with a variety of vegetables such as broccoli, lettuce, and herbs.

The soul to make the characteristic cake flavor, unmistakably, is in the sauce. The sauce must be prepared in accordance with the new technique to enhance the taste of this hot dish. Therefore, each person has a secret to make their own sauce.

Like the Cong cake, eating pancakes in the right way must use your hands instead of chopsticks.